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Cadet Expectations: 


As a cadet you are expected to work on your uniform regularly, ensuring it is kept in excellent condition. Reminder that these items are on loan to cadets and are expected to be returned upon retirement or departure of the program. If you are in need of any uniform pieces please follow the most recent Supply procedures or reach out to

the Supply Officer at






Field Training Uniform (FTU) Guide 


FTU Overview 

(188 Cobra Squadron does not take credit for this video... all credit is given to the youtube channel of

338 Junior Wildcats)


How to form a beret

(188 Cobra Squadron does not take credit for this video... all credit is given to the youtube channel "How 2 Cadet" and the creator Thomas)



Uniform Resources:


Full Uniform Overview (All the Uniform Pieces you should have!)

(188 Cobra Squadron does not take credit for this video... all credit is given to the youtube channel "How 2 Cadet" and the creator Thomas)


How to tie a tie


How to Lace Ankle and General Boots


How to Polish your boots

(188 Cobra Squadron does not take credit for this video... all credit is given to the youtube channel "How 2 Cadet" and the creator Thomas)


Approved Hairstyles


How to do a Bun

(188 Cobra Squadron does not take credit for this video... all credit is given to the youtube channel of 777 Neptune Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron)


Approved Headdresses 


Order of Dress 

(Ensure you follow the Air cadet section in each order, as well as the proper order as directed by the CO for the activity or parade you are partaking in)


Air Cadet Ranks


Qualification Badges 


Proficiency Badges 


Badge Placements

FYI: Summer training badges go on the right sleeve and Qualification badges (fitness, first aid etc.) go on the left.


Positioning of a Poppy 




Tips and Tricks:


When ironing the uniform, use a pressing cloth (old pillow case or sheet) to prevent burning or heat marks. The uniforms tend to get very shiny when heat is applied directly to the fabric.


Badges must be sewn on. Please do not iron directly over the badges as they have a glue behind them that ruins the uniforms when activated by heat.


When polishing boots, the only products that should be applied are water, Kiwi brand polishing cloth and black Kiwi brand polish. (Can be purchased at Canteen). 


Initial name tags are free of charge and will be provided to you by the SSC (during Canteen).


For additional information please follow the Cadet Dress Instruction Manual, ask a senior cadet or ask the Supply Officer.




Important Documents:



Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Dress Instructions





Our office is located at:

Denison Armoury

1 Yukon Lane, Trailer B

Toronto ON M3K 0A1


We meet on

Wednesdays from September to June

1830hrs to 2130hrs

(6:30pm to 9:30pm)

Click here to report an absence.


Otherwise, please send us a message below:

© 2023 by 188 Squadron Sponsoring Committee

This is an unofficial cadet website that is not intended to represent in any way the policies or procedures of either the Department of National Defense, the Canadian Armed Forces or the Cadet Leagues of Canada. This is not a Canadian Armed Forces website. The website is maintained on behalf of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee for 188 Cobra Squadron.

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